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An awesome piece of fanart sent to me by Tim Dowd of the webcomic Anarchy-Kitty. So where do I begin with how much I love it? First of all, I have a ship. How friggin cool is that? How many of *you* people have ships. Secondly, I can't believe how right Reagan's shirt looks because those of you who have seen the shirt in real life ... know how right it looks. Thirdly, I have a sword. I like swords. Fourth: Ariana's look. The hair is a little off for the real life Ariana (I'm actually blonder than her), but the eyes are just perfect. Its funny, because I did an earlier comic once with Ariana, my friend Jenny & myself, before TG ever existed, and I drew huge eyes like that on Ariana ... because she's so goddamn adorable its disgusting. She's like a real life chibi. Fifth: Eheh... anything with cruelty to Rori and Reagan is great. Sixth: Crys looks like the badass she's always wanted to be.Finally, the seventh reason about why I love it so much is the sheer detail of how much Tim got the character's nuances and attitude, because it makes me feel like I've actually gotten the characters across to people.

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